

Dr. Lieberman’s 100th paper was published! Congratulations Dr. Lieberman!


Check us out! Raquel and the Lieberman lab are highlighted for representation in STEM.

Gwen gave a killer talk on her Paper of the Year (and a poster!) at Protein Society in Boston, MA!

Kamisha attended the 2023 Stress Proteins in Growth, Development, and Disease GRC in Lucca (Barga), Italy

Congratulations Alice, Emily, and Yuqi!

9th Lieber Doc defended! Congratulations Dr. Yuqi Wu!!

7th and 8th Lieber Docs defend! Congratulations Dr. Alice Ma and Dr. Emily Saccuzzo!!

Welcome and congratulations to Kavitha Kuppuswamy, our summer Bagwell Fellow!

Kamisha and Hailee presented posters at #DiscoverBMB in Seattle, WA

Congratulations to Sara Bahri, the lab’s 2023 Petit Scholar!


Alice won the student poster competition at the Colorado Protein Stability Conference!

Alice with collaborator Laura Azouz from the Maynard Lab at UT Austin.

Emily, Alice, Gwen, and Lydia won Travel Awards and presented awesome posters (and a talk, go Lydia!) at the 36th Protein Society Meeting in San Francisco, CA.

(GT CoS celebrated them too!)

Alice and Lydia won poster awards and Emily got an honorable mention!

Alice, Emily, Hailee, and Kamisha attended and presented posters at the 2022 ISER/Brightfocus Glaucoma Symposium at Emory University.

Gwen got her M.S. Congrats Gwen!!

Alice, Chris, and Hailee won awards at Chemistry’s Departmental Research Symposium.

Alice: Sofia and Williams Starnes Fellowship & Best Oral Presentation

 Hailee: Outstanding Second Year Seminar

 Chris: Outstanding TA

Lydia was featured on the Beckman Foundation’s Social Media Account!

Art creds to Yemo Ku!